Apache Bugs List / To Do List / Wish List
ever gets around to cleaning it up... because we've got an entirely
different method of tracking these things. The real todo lists are
in STATUS messages regularly posted to the new-httpd mailing list,
and available in the STATUS file in the root of each development
tree (1.2, 1.3, and 2.0). The todo also includes various bugs in
the bug database.
You've been warned!
- Fix -f command lines to take paths correctly. I know this is a
bugwards compatibility with NCSA, but I don't like it and think we
should change it. - beb
- AddDescription, and other mod_dir cleanups - beb
To Do List
- Protocol Abstraction - so that SSL, SHTTP, and PCT can be plugged
in as modules, and distributed separately without needing to patch
core Apache code. Also hopefully HTTP-NG. - beb
- authentication API, to make authentication type and database type orthogonal - beb
- More tolerant config-file parsing - beb
- Formalized internal error-logging system, like sendmail/syslogd
interaction - beb
Wish List
- Scripted installation process, i.e. one that asks questions about
the site and generates the conf files appropriately - beb
- Enable logging of all "POST"ed data - for commercial-database-like
backups and replay ability. - beb
- Configurable Error Reporting
- Separate logs for stderr and server error messages
- Dynamic Package builder - so that people can download binaries
with exactly the options and packages they want. - beb
- Implementation of the "LINK" Method - beb
- Data store abstraction API? So we're not always presuming we sit on top of a filesystem. - beb
- Port to BeBox - beb
- give an "Option", like "IncludesNoExec", except allow for CGI includes,
not CMD includes. -beb, and others
Documentation needed on:
- Standards for Modules - beb
- CGI Extensions - beb
- Setting up logging and logfile analysis system - beb
- DBM documentation: explain about having username/group in same file - mjc
- MSQL documentation -dv
- Policy - what it takes for a module to move from contrib to the regular distribution. - aw
Last Modified
- beb - Brian Behlendorf, brian@organic.com
- ak - Alexei Kosut, akosut@nueva.pvt.k12.ca.us
- mjc - Mark J Cox, mark@awe.com
- aw - Andrew Wilson, andrew@tees.elsevier.co.uk
- cm - Chuck Murcko, chuck@telebase.com
- dv - Dirk.vanGulik, Dirk.vanGulik@jrc.it
- pcs - Paul Sutton, paul@awe.com